About ISO Standards 10360
The accuracy of coordinate measuring machines is tested using the ISO 10360. This standard sets the "Acceptance and reverification" tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM).
The norm is divided into six individual sheets:
- Definitions
- CMMs used for measuring length measurements
- CMMs with the axis of a rotary table as the fourth axis
- CMMs used in scanning mode
- With multiple probes applied CMMs
- Estimation error in computing Gaussian dedicated geometrical features

Volumetric length measuring error MPEE
A set of 5 gages has to be measured 3 times with one probing at each end, while the block is being aligned in 7 different directions in space. All measuring results must fulfil the Specification "E".
Volumetric probing error MPEP
A Precision sphere has to be measured with 25 equally distributed probings. P is the range of all radii (sphere form). (Rmax - Rmin = Sphere form)

Volumetric scanning probing error MPETHP
A precision Sphere is to be scanned with 4 defined lines. THP is the range of all radii (sphere form-scanning) (Rmax - Rmin = Sphere form)
Fixed multiple-stylus probing system error MF, MS, ML
A precision sphere is to be measured with a 5 probe-star (fixed probe head) or with 1 probe in 5 different orientations (revolving probe head), with 5x25 probing. Form, size and location error over all 125 probings.